Do you ever wonder why you just can’t keep those New Year resolutions about stopping smoking or losing weight? Do you ever think about why you just can’t attract and/or hold onto money? Do you wonder why added expenses never fail to appear when you are ready to put money in the bank? Do you have trouble managing money? If money is supposed to be your friend, have you wondered why it’s more often it’s your frenemy? Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could all easily express our Divine gift of giving and receiving love joyfully? Perhaps you want to form or enhance a relationship. Maybe you wish to sharpen your mental acumen and develop the ability to focus and concentrate. Possibly, your goal is to deepen your spiritual connection to the Universe and live your wisdom.
To accomplish your goals, you need subconscious support!
PSYCH-K®, a remarkably effective cutting-edge belief change “technology”, teaches people how to align their subconscious beliefs with their conscious goals for quick, safe, and long-lasting change. When you learn PSYCH-K®, you accelerate positive changes for yourself because your beliefs largely determine your degree of success in life. From the depths of despair to the heights of joy and happiness, it’s your subconscious beliefs that are the roots of your experiences. To get a broad picture of what you believe subconsciously, just take a look at your life. HELP!
To understand why subconscious support is essential for long lasting change, you’ve got to understand this fact: Although your superconscious, also know as your higher power is the wisest part of the mind, the subconscious is the most powerful part of the mind. It follows that awareness by itself is rarely sufficient to achieve change. Unless the subconscious is addressed in a language it understands, it just doesn’t get it!
When one’s subconscious beliefs are aligned with their conscious goals, clarity and success are easier to achieve because
a person’s beliefs establishes the range, especially the limits of their success.
- You’ve read all the right books, attended countless workshops and listened to the best of the motivational speakers. Then why is there a nagging feeling that things are pretty much the same as they have always been—you know, the I just can’t seem to get my life together issues?
The reason is that we harbor many beliefs about ourselves. These beliefs have probably been with us since the age of five or so and they lay dormant in our subconscious (the library of all our life experiences), only to reemerge as stumbling blocks when we respond to life situations. Beliefs may include such things as our attitude towards money (the root of all evil etc…), the loss of a loved one (if only I could have…), our relationships (I’ll never trust anyone again…), our own personal power and self-esteem, or even our connection to Spirit, to mention just a few.
Here’s the good news! Our beliefs and behaviors are like computer software—we simply print out what is programmed into the computer— and with the right tool, we can change our software.
How do you change your software? PSYCH-K® is unique in that it uses body-mind methods that engage both hemispheres of the brain simultaneously to “rewrite” the software of your mind, changing self-defeating subconscious beliefs into supportive ones by:
- Editing non-supportive subconscious beliefs
- Rewriting (reprogramming) for supportive beliefs
- Saving and verifying the change
When you rewrite the “software” of your mind, you change the “printout” of your life by turning subconscious stumbling blocks into stepping stones. How is this accomplished?
TO LEAD THE WAY, PSYCH-K® employs permission protocols from the Higher Power within you, called the Superconscious so you can achieve your goals in a safe and appropriate way.
Also, PSYCH-K® is different from most modalities in that it’s long lasting and simple without being simplistic.
NEXT, PSYCH-K® harnesses the subconscious mind, which knows how false beliefs are wired in, to lead the way out by utilizing body-mind and energetic methods.
There is an assumption that if you have a negative belief for a long time, it will take a long time to change it. In fact, it doesn’t take any longer to change a program that has been in your computer for thirty years than it does to change one that has been in there for thirty minutes — if you know how to rewrite the software of your mind. The concept of, “no pain – no gain” is another popular myth in our self-help and personal growth culture. In reality, with the right tool, change can be easy as well as rapid.
Many people also assume that it is necessary to know the cause of a problem in order to fix it. However, it’s seldom necessary to re-experience the cause of a problem to change most behaviors.
In other words, most of the time, you don’t have to know where you were in order to get where you want to go.
We’re pleased that in addition to PSYCH-K® we’re also able to offer you a wider range of additional, highly effective personal growth modalities, such as:
- Business Coaching
- Career Change Coaching
- Nonviolent Communication,
- Conflict resolution
- Exploring the Emotion Code
- Employing hypnotherapy to enhance sports performance
- Special interest topics:
- Weight reduction
- Releasing addictive behaviors
- Prosperity abundance
- Improving relationships
- And much more
For a more detailed list of some of the modalities offered, click here.